The first independent sports star of independent India, Milkha Singh, dominated Indian tracks and fields for more than a decade in his speed and consciousness, setting multiple records and winning numerous medals.”Flying Sikh,” according to Pakistani records, he was born in Govindpura, Punjab, British India on November 20, 1929. He won the commonwealth games individual athletics gold medal. The President also conferred the Padma Shri award on Singh, who was most remembered for finishing fourth in the 400-meter final at the 1960 Olympic games.
Milkha Singh is married to Nirmal Kaur. Nirmal Kaur was the former captain of the Indian women volleyball team. They have a son, and his name is Jeev Milkha Singh, who has become a top-ranking international professional golfer. Recently he died on June 18 2021 due to the Covid-19 virus. he tested covid positive on 19 may. He struggled with his last breath in PGI hospital Chandigarh. His wife also loses battle (13 June 2021) due to Covid-19 virus at the age of 85.
Real Name | Milkha Singh |
Nickname | Flying Sikh |
Profession | Arthlete |
Date of Birth | 20 November 1929 (According to Pakistani records) 17 October 1935 and 20 November 1935 (Other records note it as) |
Birthplace | Govindpura, Punjab, British India (present-day Punjab, Pakistan) |
Date of Death | 18 June 2021 (11.30 PM) |
Place of Death | Chandigarh |
Cause of Death | Covid-19 virus |
Age (at the time of death) | 91 Years |
Nationality | Indian |
Hometown | Chandigarh, Punjab |
Religion | Sikhism |
Zodiac sign | Scorpio |
School | A Village School In Pakistan |
College/ University | N/A |
Education Qualification | N/A |
Physical Appearance
Height (approx) | in centimetres- 178 cm in meter- 1.78 m in feet & inches- 5’10” |
Weight (approx) | in Kilogram- 70 kg in pounds- 154 lbs |
Eyes Colour | Dark Brown |
Hair Colour | Salt & paper |
Family, Parents, Siblings
Marital Status | Married |
Marriage Date | 5 May Year 1963 |
Wife/ Spouse | Nirmal Kaur (former captain of the Indian women volleyball team) Died- 13 June 2021 (Due to Covid-19) |
Children | Son- Jeev Milkha Singh (Golfer) Daughter- Soniya Sanwalka & 2 more |
Parents | Father- Name Not Know Mother- Name Not Know |
Siblings | Sister- Ishar Brother- Makhan Singh (Elder) & 12 More |
Milkha Singh tried to enlist in the army but refused three times. In 1952, he was finally able to join the army’s electrical, mechanical engineering branch. He was once inspired by his coach, havildar Gurudev Singh, in the armed forces. He worked very hard in his practice. He came to the discussion during the 1956 national games in Patiala. In 1958, he broke the 200m and 400m records at the Cuttack national games.
He also represented the country at the 1964 summer Olympics in Tokyo. He set an Olympic 400m record at the 1960 Rome Olympics, winning a gold medal at the 1958 commonwealth games and the 1956 Asian games.
It was a race in Pakistan in 1962, where he defeated 100-meter gold medalist Abdul Khaliq at the Tokyo Asian games, where he was dubbed “The Flying Sikh” by Pakistani president Ayub Khan.
Records and Honours
Medal | Event | Category |
Gold | 1958 Asian Games | 200 M |
Gold | 1958 Commonwealth Games | 440 Yards |
Gold | 1962 Asian Games | 400 M |
Gold | 1962 Asian Games | 4X400 M Relay |
Silver | 1964 Calcutta National Games | 400 M |
S.N | Honour | Year |
1 | Padma Shri | 1959 |
His later life
In recognition of Singh’s success in the 1956 Asian games, he was promoted from sepoy to junior commissioned officer. He eventually became the sports director of the Punjab education ministry. He retired in 1998. Lion medals were donated to the country. Initially, all of them were on display at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi, but later they were shifted to a sports museum in Patiala.
Recent media story about Milkha Singh
The life story of Milkha Singh was filmed in a biographical film, “Bhag Milkha Bhag,” directed by Rakesh Omprakash Mehra and starring Farhan Akhtar and Sonam Kapoor. When milkha Singh was asked why he was allowed to make a film about his life, he said that it should be an inspiration to the youth. He also wanted the young generation to watch this film.